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Here Are The Most Dangerous Countries for Travelers in Africa

Traveling is the only thing you can buy that actually makes you richer. But it comes with a lot of risks. From dangerous airports to roads and theme parks, certain destinations boast thrilling adventure opportunities but hide precarious personal safety conditions. The following list is based on travel alerts and warnings issued by the U.S. and British governments, information from Health Grove (a health visualization site by Graphic that includes nations with worsening travel advisories), and the Global Peace Index.

Below are the most dangerous countries for travelers in Africa in no particular order.
If you decide to go, avoid all travel to the border regions and exercise extreme caution elsewhere in the country, according to the American State Department. Violent extremist organizations in the region, such as Boko Haram and the Islamic State, can easily cross borders and target Westerners, local security forces, and civilians in the Lake Chad region. Kidnapping for ransom is also a threat. Minefields along the borders with Libya and Sudan are also a concern.


The American State Department has warned against traveling to Mali because of ongoing terrorist attacks and criminal violence. The Federal Aviation Administration has advised American civil aviation to avoid flying below 26,000 feet over the airspace of the country. There have been incidents of armed banditry, car-jacking and kidnapping in northern Mali, according to the British government. “Bandits and smugglers are present along Mali’s northern borders and pose a risk to travelers, especially after dark.” 


Ethiopia has long lived in the shadows of neighboring Kenya even though it has as much to offer – glorious mountains, mysteries, food, and gelada baboons. It is an underrated adventure destination, but there is a high terrorism threat. Attacks could be indiscriminate including in places frequented by foreigners, the U.K. government says. Petty theft and mugging are common and on the rise. 


Libya, a place where your parents were probably not allowed to visit, is another country with tumultuous history. It has been subject to U.S. sanctions since the 1980s over its suspected terror links. In 1981 President Ronald Reagan invalidated the use of U.S. passports for travel to Libya. Even now the Department of State warns Americans against going there and recommends that U.S. citizens currently in the country leave immediately due to violence between militias.
There is a high threat from terrorism, including kidnapping. Extremist groups have made threats against Westerners and those working for Western organizations. There is a constant threat of terrorist attack in Mogadishu, and terrorists continue to plan attacks against Westerners in the rest of the country, particularly in south-central Somalia.
South Sudan
Civil war is ravaging the country. Ongoing fighting, inter-communal violence, and violent crime have put South Sudan on the list of countries where the Department of State advises against all travel. Aid workers have been the targets of shootings, ambushes, violent assaults, harassment and robberies. Security is especially unstable in the region of Equatoria in the south.
Central African Republic
Security conditions are unstable throughout the country, especially outside Bangui, according to the Canadian government. There are armed patrols that have set up several roadblocks across the country. Reports of violence, looting, reprisal killings, and human rights abuses continue across the country. 
Crime and the risk of kidnapping are very high. There is a threat of retaliatory attacks due to the country’s participation in the French-led intervention in Mali and Niger’s involvement in the regional fight to counter Boko Haram. If you have to travel to Niger, avoid border regions, including the Diffa region and particularly the Lake Chad basin area, according to the State Department.
Political tensions, armed violence, and civil unrest are common. This is all due to the country’s contested elections in August 2015, an attempted coup d’état, and debate over the president’s eligibility for a third term. Gunfire and grenade attacks by armed groups occur regularly.
It is especially dangerous to be near Eritrea’s border with Ethiopia. Tensions between the two countries are high. The Southern Red Sea Region is also unsafe due to the large numbers of Eritrean and Ethiopian troops along the contested border area. In June 2016, fighting in this region resulted in numerous deaths. Tensions are high in the Eritrea-Djibouti border region as well.
Democratic Republic of Congo
The second largest country in Africa by area is often troubled. The eastern part of the country is well known for warlords, rebel groups and mineral conflicts. Armed groups, bandits, and some elements of the Congolese armed forces operate in the provinces of North and South Kivu, Bas-Uele, Haut-Uele, Ituri, Tanganyika and Haut-Lomami, making them especially dangerous, according to the State Department.

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