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Five types of African parents. Which group is your parent in?

Like it or not, African parents are one of the most fanstatic set of individuals in the world. Below are the five most common types of African parents.

1. The perfectionists 
This one specifically applies to most Nigerian parents. Doing well in school is not an option and by doing well, these parents have expectations that you will be the best at everything. Example: If you get a 98%, they might ask, “What happened to the other 2%?” If you get a B, these parents will likely ask, “The person who got an A, do they have three heads?” Just do well in school to please this set of parents.
Read Adichie's Purple Herbiscus and you will understand better what I'm saying.

2. The 'I'm always right'
This group of parents are basically always right. It doesn’t matter if you learned that the sky is blue. If they say the sky is pink, the sky is in fact, pink. At least, in their presence. These parents will seldom ever admit they are wrong. And if and when they do, you will be too stunned to even believe it.

3. The lazy bones
These parents will call you from upstairs, downstairs, outside, even from London, lol, to hand them something that is literally 10 centimeters away from them.

4. The dictators
They would flog (Did I say flog? I meant 'bulala'!) your life out for almost everything, good or bad. You will likely be raised the old-fashioned way -“you spare the rod, you spoil the child” kind of old-fashioned way.

5. The 'proverbians'
These parents will talk to you in a lot of proverbs and metaphors. For instance the very famous one (especially in Nigeria); 'What I see while sitting down, even if you climb the highest mountain, you won't see it'. My father has said this to me countless times ;)

Is your parent among the groups listed above? If yes indicate by placing your comment.

1 comment

Anonymous said...

Lol. Nice post. My parents are in all the five groups.