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Judge yourself against yourself alone!

I found this piece very educating. Read and enjoy.

To this day, some of you still judge yourself based on what your friends are achieving. Please, judge yourself against yourself alone!
Remember Further Maths?
They warned you that it'd be tough so you committed to listening attentively from the very beginning...things started very well. 2a+4a = 6a. Easy beans. You are happy. This thing is not so hard. You are following it. Very happy.
Then slowly, you don't see any number again, just letters fighting Jackie Chan on the board; Sin 0/Cos 0 = A/Bx find x....ahan. You vexed! You went back to your note, & started thinking, "at what point did I miss it? Why did the teacher eliminate numbers? Why is "x" important?" You say ok, may be it is just this part.
Then the teacher goes, find x if %#*<¥< + &@%%^ = &^^*#x. You ask the teacher, "give us a clue ma" In your head, you are thinking, "how can you tell me to find x when I can't even find all the things surrounding x?"
At that point, you start to dream about your blessed and assured "F" in WAEC. To avoid it, you look for a friend to explain better to you. This time, you didn't even look for the babe you were tripping for to come teach you because this time you really want to learn "this thing". You know that if you tell that babe to teach you, no matter what she says, your mind will be on, "is this the day we finally kiss?"
You remember your parents, the school fees and the "F" you were already dreaming about. You didn't fool yourself. You looked for your guy. You even bought that expensive Further Maths text book. That one where after page one, everything else is written in tongues. You bought rechargeable lamp. Called your mum to bring more provisions because "I now read at night and I get hungry." You mean business. You want to how know how ordinary numbers suddenly changed to Chinese language before your eyes.
You friend is even kind. He started with BODMAS. He makes you understand nothing in Further Maths is beyond BODMAS. You are happy. Easy. After two hours of learning, you got everything. Your friend should be a teacher you thought. He teaches better. Wow! You feel really good! Back in the hostel alone, you picked two easy "problems," did wuru wuru to the answer. You checked the back for answer. Yay! You gorrit!
Back in class, the teacher is not even writing letters that you know again, she has gone Greek on you. Tetha, Beta, Alpha, Nought with cancel in the middle. Jargons fighting jargons. Gbese re o! ...argh! As if that wasn't evil enough, she combines them, "tan tetha" "cos tetha" and she draws one snake that look like S like this...That was the point the "F" in your dream became flesh and formed tears on your face. You must call mummy. You know that. Then something said, don't call her. She will think you are an olodo if you don't do "Science class". So you didn't bother.
You simply just gave yourself brain. Ran faster than Maurice Greene to see what was happening in "Art Class" They were teaching them "the Macpherson constitution" and what made the "Clifford constitution" different. Then they spoke about the "motion for Independence" and the "1979 constitution." You felt at home.
Next day, you take the Further Maths text books and all the big books like it, over to CMS. Sell them all. LOOOL. You even made profit off a bad situation, you thought.
This is a true life story of friends I know. You know this story somehow. People who were really brilliant but had no business in "Science Class" but "had" to be there...
Our society insists; smart people are in Science Class. The others join Art Class. This is tragic and I really pray this stops soon! There are no dumb people. You are smart at what you thrive at and most of us thrive at something...That I can't thrive at what you thrive at doesn't make me dumb.
Usain Bolt will outrun Lebron James on the track. But in BasketBall? James wins!" Enough of measuring yourself against the progress of others, don’t fall for that. It is like football fans, your team has won its own game but you know the weekend is not over until your team’s rivals lose their games. Then they win, your joy is cut short. Because they either close up on your team on the league table or they even go above your team. But you see, your life is not a league table, there is only one person in this game and that person is you. As long as you are progressing on a daily basis, you are succeeding. Never ever judge your progress in life by comparing it to that of others, I can assure you, your happiness will never be full that way. Have a prosperous 2017. It is going to be a fantastic year! I promise you. Cheers.

Written by JJ OMOJUWA

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