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Singer pens apology letter to Trump

Donald Trump will be the 45th President of the United States of America after he defeated Democrat, Hillary Clinton in an election that has shocked and stunned the world.
Now, controversial rapper, Azealia Banks has written a letter to Trump apologising for 'all the stupid jokes she made'.
" I would like to apologise to Donald Trump for all the stupid jokes I made. (I was kidding), " she wrote on Instagram today, November 9, 2016. Adding, "Secondly, I would like to apologise for all the other times I was dumb enough to let the liberal media sway my opinion of you. Thirdly I'm fucking proud as FUCK of you.
One for being a Gemini, two for being from NYC, three for winning the presidency and four for beating the media. The last part is your biggest victory in my eyes and I must say that I am TRULY inspired by this and feel deep amounts of vindication.
Thanks for letting me know that I'm not crazy (even though I fronted a few times) liberals run Hollywood and it's been a COLD WORLD OUT HERE FOR ME AS A TRUMP SUPPORTER . Best of luck on everything and thanks again. Sincerely - AB #TRUMP2017. "
Donald Trump won 276 Electoral College votes as against Clinton’s 218.

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